Hey 👋🏿 I'm Danny Nah. I'm an aspiring software engineer, UI/UX designer and professional footballer. I'm also a video-game enthusiast, a hip-hop head, and a master procrastinator. I created this website as a place to document my journey as I learn new things and share them with you.

💻 Technologies I intend to learn in 2021

As an aspiring software engineer getting acquainted with mutiple technologies is important even in the same domain. See what I'm learning this year.

💻 Technologies I intend to learn in 2021

As an aspiring software engineer getting acquainted with mutiple technologies is important even in the same domain. See what I'm learning this year.

My Blog ArticlesView All

Dec 8

My First Project

Dec 8

Why Agile Development

Dec 8

How I use Notion to prepare for projects

Dec 8

My Tech Stack

Dec 8

My 2021 so far

Danny Nah 2021