About me.

Hey, I’m Danny! I am an aspiring software engineer in Liberia. This is my site on the web, where I document my progress. I started learning how to code in 2019 and I’ve been learning since, I think I have a career in software engineering so this is me keeping track of my progress, not only for me but anyone who have problem finding a definite path or is just on track too.


There’s a whole world outside learning new technologies and coding. I also love music and writing lyrics for them too, I listen to variety of genres, from hip-hop to r n b and alternative pop. And I also love video games and I have plans on learning how to make them. But above all football has always been a big part of my life and I wish one day to make it pro but I don’t how I’m going to do that learning software enfgineering. Just stick around and you’ll see.


These are the tools I currently use.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Eclipse
  • Figma
  • Origami Studio
  • Notion
  • iTerm2

Danny Nah 2021